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Payment is required only for parts or kits ordered, not for files downloaded. These projects are offered without cost - copy the documentation, order the boards from OSH Park, and the parts from your favorite vendor or salvage from your junk box. If your do decide to take one of the projects commercial, a small contribution would be appreciated but is not required. If you send a contribution through PayPal, be sure to indicate that it is a gift, otherwise you are charged for the payment.

Hint: it would help with the development costs for the next project...

Prices shown are in US $ and do not include shipping. Because shipping prices can vary widely, depending on destination and method, please contact me before paying to avoid delays. I will calculate the shipping charges and send you an invoice for the total through PayPal. 

IMPORTANT: If you send PayPal payment before contacting me and the payment is short, I will bill for the difference plus any additional PayPal fees for the payment.

If you prefer to pay by check, let me know at the time you order. Checks must clear my bank before I ship. This usually takes 1 to 3 business days after I receive the check.

No money orders, please.