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Here is a small selection of software that may be suitable for use with the IsoCat. Please note that this listing is provided for convenience only. I have not tested every program listed, and cannot provide support for the programs.

2023 update: this list was originally developed in 2007, some programs may no longer be available. I am still using the interface with current versions of Linux and Windows logging and communications programs such as CQRLog, WSJTX, and N3FJP software.




Ham Radio Deluxe W Rig control, logbook, PSK31
MMTTY W TTY - integrates w/HRD
DXSoft W Rig control, logbook, PSK31, TTY
ACLog W Logbook, contest logs, dx spots, rig control
MixW W PSK31, Olivia
DigiPan W PSK31, PSK63
DX4Win W Logbook, PSK31, dx spots
HamCom 3.1 W CW, RTTY, AMTOR (not being updated)
HamScope W PSK31
ProMemEdit de DF4OR W ICOM memory editor
Memory Editor de PE1BYW W ICOM memory editor
TRX Manager de F6DEX W Communications and rig control
BKT de IZ2BKT W Memory editor, rig control
Linux Ham Apps L Linux ham radio apps
Fldigi L Digital modes (PSK, Feld, CW, others)
MacMemoriesManager M ICOM memory manager

 - These links open in a new window.
 - W - Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 98
 - L - Linux
 - M - Apple Macintosh