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I found that I often needed a tripod or monopod to keep the camera steady when taking wildlife photos. Frequently, by the time I set up the tripod, the opportunity had passed. This is where a beanbag proved to be very handy. Simply set the beanbag on a partially-lowered car window, a nearby fork in a tree, or other handy feature, and then rest the camera on the beanbag. The camera is protected from scratches and damage and is as steady as if it were on a tripod.

The bags are not filled with actual beans. This is important if you live in a humid climate. These have an inert filling that will not sprout!

The beanbag weighs only two pounds and does double duty as added padding in a camera bag if necessary. It ships easily in a suitcase when travelling if you don't want to carry it in your camera bag. Beanbags are available now, for $10.00 each, plus shipping. Two of them will fit in a small USPS flat rate box.

PS: If you are a firearms enthusiast, the bean bags are handy at the range. They don't take much room in the range bag, and are a good rest whether you are shooting pistol or smaller caliber rifle.