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A few IsoCat kits are still available, at a reduced price of $60 plus shipping. I also have a few completed units that I built for a deal that fell through. These are new, tested, and ready for plug-n-play. All cables are provided, so you could be on the air very quickly. These are $80 plus shipping. Documentation on other Projects offerings will remain available to the community at no cost.

The Projects website is adding new projects, in an altered format. Since retiring a few years back, we have been spending more time traveling as well as addressing some medical issues. What this means for Projects by N5BIA is that there has not been as much capital to build and stock plug-and-play accessories or kits. My interest is still there, though, and I continue to design and build, mostly for my own entertainment and education.

Projects on the bench as of May 2020 include the following:

  • IsoCommander - USB serial control interface for control and programming
  • VLF receiver - based on the NASA VLF3 VLF design, this is a repackaging effort and addition of features
  • IEC444 Test Adapter - enables rapid and correct testing and characterizing of components using a VNA
  • WWV TRF - my take on a modern TRF receiver forĀ use as a frequency standard
  • Camera Multi-Trigger - infra-red, sound, and light trigger for DSLR cameras

I plan to release these projects as a documentation set and printed circuit boards to enable interested individuals to build one for themselves. I don't plan to produce them, either as a kit or as a finished device. As stated above, time and capital are the chief limits on those activities. Most of the board designs will be available for individual ordering on OSH Park. For those not familiar with their services, they are an inexpensive source of PC boards, primarily for home brewers and limited production runs. While there are less expensive options, you may not have as much control of the finished product at the lower price point.

Blatant Commercial Alert

These projects are offered without cost - copy the documentation, order the boards from OSH Park, and the parts from your favorite vendor or salvage from your junk box. If your do decide to take one of the projects commercial, a small contribution would be appreciated but is not required. Hint: it would help with the development costs for the next project...


I am not affiliated with, nor do I receive and compensation of any kind from OSH Park or from any component vendors mentioned on this site. These resources are passed along to you to assist you in developing these devices for your own use, nothing more.