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I have had an interest in photography for a long time. In fact, i started back in the days of film and darkrooms. I took pictures of my high school football games, processed the film, and wished for the time I could afford an enlarger. While I was in the service, I acquired fairly decent equipment, including an enlarger and darkroom equipment. I brought all of this back from Germany and set up a home darkroom in a spare bathroom.

Even then, I built some of my own equipment such as enlarger timers. I enrolled in photography training with G.I. Bill benefits and was considering a career behind the lens when the school went out of business.

Life intervened, I needed to support a family and keep a steady income, so a photography career was shelved but not forgotten. Now that I am retired, I have picked up the camera again to record family events and our travels. If you  would like to take a look, my personal website is online to share with family and friends. Look, enjoy, but please note that all images are copyrighted and may be used only with my permission.